The health, sport & exercise club is open to all majors and minors in the department and provides a great opportunity for fun and relationships.

Health, Sport & Exercise Club Purpose

  1. Provide communication between students, faculty, community and other professional organization to share ideas and enhance relationships.
  2. Enhance and expand educational opportunities for career preparation.
  3. Encourage an active role on campus and in classroom activities for leadership development.
  4. Provide opportunities to teach and promote ones profession as well as learn new teaching strategies.

Membership Provides Opportunities

  • Network with BSU students, college students from the state and region and professionals in the field.
  • Attend and present sessions at professional conferences.
  • Participate in campus and community activities.
  • Practice leadership and advocacy skills in a variety of settings.
  • Develop ownership in their respective future professions.

Past Club Activities

  • MNAHPERD Conferences (MN Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance)
  • AAHPERD Central District Conferences (American Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance)
  • Student presentations at state conferences and workshops
  • BSU Adventure in Activity Day
  • Local and area Special Olympics
  • Activity guide publication for Sportime Equipment
  • Red Lake Fishing Derby
  • Advocacy for physical education and health education at the State Capitol
  • Sledding, cookouts, activity socials, etc.

Why Students Join the Club

  • To meet and share learning experiences with other students in the department.
  • To work with department faculty on a professional basis.
  • To gain work-related experience that can enhance professional resumes.
  • To meet local, regional, state and national professionals and future professionals.
  • To understand how the legislative process affects the profession.
  • To grow as professionals by giving time and talent to a worthy cause.
  • To develop a passion for the profession!

Meeting Times

Club meetings are scheduled in the evenings.

For more information or to join Health, Sport & Exercise Club.

Contact Information

Dr. Shannon Norman
PE 207
(218) 755-4099